2Awesome Studio
Based in The Netherlands
Founding date:
Press / Business contact:
[email protected]
Back To Bed
A Pretty Odd Bunny
Castle Of Pixel Skulls
Inferno 2
Dimension Drive
Batu Ta Batu
Bug Butcher
Horned Knight
Aeon Drive
BFF Or Die
The Netherlands
2Awesome Studio is an independent game development studio and indie publisher whose mission is to add awesomeness to reality by developing video games with new and addictive mechanics and finding games that are equally awesome to publish.
Early historyDavid Jimenez and Alejandro Santiago met back in 2006 here in the Netherlands despite being both originally from Barcelona (Spain). While working full time jobs at the European Space Agency as engineers, they started dreaming about developing videogames in their spare time. This was an old childhood dream for both, and over the years that followed they started developing them separately at first, while coursing different videogames related studies on top of their engineering degrees and full time jobs. David developed Castle Walk, Tyrian Reborn and Super Stick Fighter 2 Turbo and took a special interest in game design with a strong focus on gameplay programming. Alejandro developed UltraMagic Balloons Target, AeonSpace fighters and UOC Race amongst others.
Team UpBack in 2009 David and Alejandro teamed up and started sharing their passion about videogames development. Later on they started working on Dimension Jumper an Xbox Live Indie Game using XNA that served as a stepping stone and background for the future. On January 2013, David and Alejandro started working together as 2Awesome Studio (even if not setup as a company at that time) and moved from XNA to Unity development.
Recent ActivitiesOn January 2014, 2Awesome Studio participated to the Global Game Jam in Amsterdam where they collaborated with a group of artists and a musician and they developed a 2D platformer. Some of the team members decided to push forward for 2 or 3 months and release freely a more polished demo titled Brushed Away In parallel, 2Awesome Studio had been developing Dimension Drive (a follow up of Dimension Jumper). In 2015, Dimension Drive was succesfully funded in Kickstarter by almost 1200 backers to the tune of $42000. Dimension Drive has already been selected for several awards such as Indie Prize Europe 16 Showcase selection and Momocon Indie Game Award 16 winner.
Dimension Drive Momocon interview YouTube
Madrid Games Week interview YouTube
There are far more images available for 2Awesome Studio, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Indie Gameleon Speakers: "From Game Jam to Actual Game" " - The Netherlands, 2014
- "Indie Gameleon Showcase" - The Netherlands, 2014
- "Indievelopment Showcase" - The Netherlands, 2014
- "INDIGO Official Selection" - The Netherlands, 2014
- "Gamelab Official Selection" - Barcelona, Spain, 2015
- "Gamescom 2015 INDIGO Official Selection" - Germany, 2015
- "Tokyo Game Show 2015 Holland Pavilion Official Selection" - Japan, 2015
- "Indie Prize Europe 2016 Official Selection" - The Netherlands, 2016
- "Quo Vadis 2016 Indie Expo Official Selection" - Germany, 2016
- "Gamescom Indie Arena Booth 2016 Official Selection" - Germany, 2016
- "Momocon 2016 Indie Award showcase winner" - Atlanta, USA, 2016
Additional Links
David Jimenez on Twitter
Personal twitter for David Jimenez (@dajimba) available at twitter.com. https:.
Alejandro Santiago on Twitter
Personal twitter for Alejandro Santiago (@aeonphyxius) available at twitter.com. https:.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
David Jimenez
Lead Designer and Business Development, 2Awesome Studio
Alejandro Santiago
Lead Developer, 2Awesome Studio
[email protected]
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks